BR 700 Pro
• For our customers , to all farm owners, companies and specialists in the field of water exploration and we are honored to put between your hands the latest and the best device among all devices of groundwater underground.
The new geophysical device – BR 700 PRO
• Where the device working with SRB new technology which is the latest and the best ever in groundwater and artesian wells exploration.
• That was made in (BR US) company to be in first place in the world, it was produced in professional ways and high quality and unique specifications which make it sophisticated and complete device to all searches and exploration of underground water.
• Through this device the user can determine the whereabouts of the water in the area to be scanned. And determine the best water points in this area.
• It has been provided with water depth knowledge feature, where you can determine the depth of the water detected directly on the screen
• It can also distinguish between fresh and salt and mineral water in case the water discovered, immediately it shows the water quality on the screen.
• The device working in SRB ,, which is a developed idea of measuring the global soil, which is based on sending shocks and electric waves into the ground, where you measure all the soil frequencies and analyzed to show a graphic readout on the main screen, and the device was provided with resist electronic test that gives the same water resistance to ensure the validity of the device.
Features of the BR 700 Pro device
• The device has an LCD modern screen provided with operating program (Software) modern and easy to use.
• BR700-pro can discover to 700 meters as depth.
• It specifies the location of water and limit the strongest point of water within an area of up to 2 square meters through cables attached.
• The device appears on the screen automatically and immediately type of water discovered (water quality fresh water – salt water – mineral water).
• Anyone can use this device with ease. Unlike some other devices that are difficult for some prospectors working on them.
• Signals and the accuracy of the device doesn’t affected by the rocky soil or sand or clay.
• This device is equipped with full integrated electronic system.
• The device works accurately at temperatures ranging from 20 degrees below zero to 55 degrees Celsius.
• It runs on 12-volt battery and operate for 12 hours.
• Light weight and ergonomic device.
• The machine is designed from high-quality electronic and durability of plastics.
• The device supports working languages: English and French.
• Made In USA.
Geophysical system
The geophysical search system works through two systems (two methods) to determine the detection:
1- Automatic Search
• In the beginning we set 4 probes those coming attached with the device in the form of a square or a rectangle,, and then connect the cables between the probes and the device after that we switched on the device and then choose the device language.
• Then choose the automatic search, and wait until a comprehensive survey among four probes, then the result will appear on screen indicating the whereabouts of water between probes planted clearly.
• Example: between the probe 1 to 2 There is water – water type: fresh – the depth is 150 meters
• Example: between the probe 2 to 3 There is water- water type: fresh- the depth is 150 meters
• Example: between the probe 3 to 4 there is no water
• Example: between the probe 1 to 4 there is no water
• After results of search are appear we go to the place that has been confirmed water in it. And we do a manual search between two probes, only without the need for a full search for the four probes, and we make inventory through approximation of the probes to each other until the inventory of water will inside a smaller space and this small area is the best place to start digging and which has the strongest point of water.
2- Manual Search
• Manual search is different from automatic search because from manual search can set two probes in the ground only without need to set four probes and we setthe probes in the ground to check specific place in exact area (for example).
• Search between probe 1 and probe 2 only.
• Search between probe 2 and probe 3 only.
• Search between probe 4 and probe 1 only.